Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Awaken and Re-member 11:11

The suppression of information is fundamental to the control of the people. And we the people are only being given one version of reality. This is a world that has become a simulation in which all contact with or reference to the real reality beneath has been lost. A world where the images, style and substitute have become more real to us then reality itself.

The truth is that Humanity has lost it's memory and is now living in a world created almost entirely by a modern consumer society of which we are all apart of. We have forgotten that to be born physically is to die spiritually and in that fact we are all spiritual beings having a human experience. We are all Co-Creators of unconditional love, capable of creating any experience into existence by our power of thought yet, we have been mislead by our political and spiritual leaders into beliefs that we are anything other than who and what we are truly capable.

We have been educated to focus our attention on the physical and material world in front of us. We are taught to work hard to earn money just so that we can pursue a dream in a world fabricated almost entirely from our imaginations and aided by a relentless barrage of images from the media and government, in which it has become impossible to distinguish image and style from reality and substance. We are ourselves the masters, rulers and creators yet, we've been taught to think that it's blasphemous or taboo to make a God of ourselves instead of ourselves in God's likeness. The world finds fault with the idea that we're all Co-Creators even though it's obvious that we are. But when our minds are so hypnotized by fear we become blind to the truth that lies in front of us and we start to see bad in everything that's perfect of it's self.

Most people want to fooled, they want to be lied to, for they are afraid to know that it is us who are the creators of our reality. It is us who are the God we speak of in the stories. But since you have forgotten this fact it has now become seemingly impossible to accept yourself as your on authority. And since we have to have an authority in our life we turn to our religions, our governments and our media, who tell us to follow the rules, "do as we say", trust in the system. They teach us the rules that they've been programed to teach us, past down from the political and spiritual leaders before them. They all teach us what they want us to believe to be right and true but, what if it's not?

Now is the time for Humanity to awaken and re-member. Now everything works in reverse and we must start to deprogram ourselves of all social and religious concepts that we think makes us human beings. The negative within the world is only there to teach us how to slowly receive understanding; and know matter how we reach understanding with the realization of who and what we truly are and capable of, we are always in control of the out come.

Awaken And Re-member 11:11

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

I'd like to share something I found just the other day about 11:11.
11:11 has been with me for about 30 years and I have always known that this number is important. I have done many a search to see what others have to say about it.
Somethings I can relate to, other things are far fetched.
I did not find your blog by looking for 11:11 at all, totally unrelated search, but that is just how it is with me. That is exactly how I found the link above, I was looking for something else.
Peace to you, happy to see you are awake and remember.